Dr. Simon received his doctorate in Neurobiology and Behavior from Georgia State University in 1988. During his graduate and post-doctoral work, he developed mathematical models of electric current flow in single neurons. In 1993, he joined USEPA as a toxicologist working in the Atlanta regional office. His experience in modeling current flow in neurons enabled him to quickly learn pharmacokinetic modeling. He worked at USEPA until early 2006 and then continued as a solo consultant. He has developed environmental risk assessments for several large hazardous waste sites. He has reviewed pharmacokinetic models for EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs and, as a consultant to Health Canada, developed a quantitative toxicity assessment for arsenic.

In 2018, Dr. Simon was an author of the 2017 publication “How well can carcinogenicity be predicted by high throughput ‘characteristics of carcinogens’ mechanistic data?” in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. This paper received honorable mention for the “Best Paper of the Year” from the Risk Assessment Specialty Section of the Society of Toxicology. This paper presented a critical examination the methodology used by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) for identifying cancer hazard and revealed that the predictive power of IARC’s methodology was no better than random chance.

From 2019 to 2021, Dr. Simon served on the Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee of EPA’s Science Advisory Board, He is currently a member of the editorial boards of the journals Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, Human and Experimental Toxicology, and Frontiers in Pharmacology.