Wall Street Journal: Roundup Plaintiffs’ Lawyers Spar Over $800 Million in Fees — Some plaintiffs’ firms that led the legal campaign against Bayer AG now argue that they deserve a larger portion of $800 million in fees from Roundup litigation than those firms that joined later.
Roll Call: In contentious climate bill, some points of possible agreement — A recent House bill carves out a new EPA grant program to provide funding for water utilities to address contamination from PFAS substances. West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito, the top Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, has made PFAS a focus early this Congress.
Legal Newsline: Massive talc verdict there for SCOTUS to review as J&J fights $2.1 billion ruling — Johnson & Johnson is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a $2 billion verdict awarded to 22 women who blame the company’s Baby Powder for their ovarian cancer.
JD Supra: After Months of Delay, EPA Quietly Takes Steps Toward Community Outreach on Ethylene Oxide Risks — JD Supra summarizes major updates involving the EPA’s actions on ethylene oxide, including status reports and a letter from the EPA’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to Acting Administrator Jane Nishida urging reconsideration of a January decision that community outreach and notification regarding EtO risks need not be immediate.
Wall Street Journal: Looting the Boy Scouts — The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board exposes the plaintiff bar’s history of turning mass torts into a business model and how current litigation against the Boy Scouts of America highlights the need for tort reform, especially in the face of social media campaigns and massive lawsuit marketing.
Issues & Insights: Biden White House Should Follow Evidence, Not ‘Bug Splatter’ Junk Science– Issues & Insights reports that organizations like the Environmental Working Group use marketing campaigns to promote sensational headlines that don’t hold up to scientific scrutiny.